Saturday, May 26, 2012

Is NWACC a Criminal Racket?

 Photo of Northwest Arkansas Community College (NWACC)

Not only does NWACC have a lousy 7% graduation rate, but it currently has an additional 1,000 failing students that it's attempting to cover up so that they can continue to receive state and federal funding.  This institution is a complete failure and a waste of tax-payer dollars and student tuition dollars.  Criminal racket? You decide.


  1. Wow! That's really messing with the law. These monkeys have balls.

  2. Definitely a criminal racket. And the education is sub-standard. I want to know what happened to microbiology professor, John Story, Ph.D.? He was on the side of the students, which NWACC bullies absolutely hated, and he mysteriously died last year on July 29th after headaches from being in the lab all day. Another chemistry teacher, who NWACC bullies mobbed, said he had headaches after being in the chemistry lab the last few times he was in it before he left NWACC. Surely makes one think sinister things are going on there. Lots of internal speculation about this.

  3. I certainly appears to be. Some investigative journalist needs to get on this right away.

  4. Totally. They stole from me and they stole my life.

  5. Yes, it's a total criminal racket. Where's the FBI? They should investigate.

  6. Where is good old fashioned American investigative journalism in all of this? Are they just a bunch of wimps who are afraid of NWACC? It's really surprising that they aren't reporting the truth about NWACC when everyone already knows the truth.

  7. It's definitely a criminal racket!
