Monday, August 20, 2012

NWACC's Dean of Allied Health, Mary Ross, is a Bully

It has come to our attention from several aggrieved NWACC students that the Dean of Allied Health, Mary Ross (photo above), is quite the bully.  It is she who promotes and condones the bullying of allied health students in their various departments.  Shame on you, Mary Ross!


  1. I'm one of your many allied health student victims, Mary Ross. You need to be fired and black-balled for what you do to people's lives. You are one of the most arrogant people I've every encountered. And it is this arrogance of yours that will bring you down and I'm looking forward to this. NWACC is finally unraveling and you will be a major part of this. And the fact that Steve Gates supports your evil doings is also a disgrace. He will fall with you.

    1. I would like to hear your story and help you. You can e-mail me at So sorry for what NWACC bullies put you through. Very sad.

  2. And what's up with Pres Becky Paneitz with her $12,000 office curtains? That's more than most people around here make in a year. Such decadence! She thinks she's special for some reason. I have news for her, she's not. And she, too, will fall with Steven Gates and Mary Ross.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This is most unprofessional behavior.

  4. Let's not forget about another major bully - Dale Montgomery. She's a "good Christian"too.

    1. Yuk! Oink oink. She reminds me of Miss Piggy except that Miss Piggy is much prettier and much more classy.

  5. Here's our NWACC bully list so far: Pres. Paneitz, VP Steven Gates, Judicial Affairs, Dale Montgomery, Dean of Allied Health, Mary Ross. And to this list I want to add Dean of Students, Todd Kitchen. And there are many more at NWACC. We need to compile the complete list.

    1. I want to add Nursing Program Director, Elaine Halloway; Respiratory Therapy Director, Alan Clark; Respiratory Therapy Teacher, Michelle Frazier; and EMT Director Byrd to this list of NWACC bullies. They are mean-spirited human beings devoid of any compassion.

    2. NWACC's Grant Stewart with his Black Resume List also needs to be added to the ever-expanding NWACC bully list.

    3. What do you bullies get out of destroying people's lives? Is it a sense of achievement? Is it because you are so insecure that having the kind of power to utterly destroy people's lives gives you some sense of accomplishment since you are inept at your jobs?

    4. Let's shed some light on this Grant Stewart guy with his black resume list. That's totally illegal. Someone needs to launch an investigation into him.

    5. A friend of mine had some real problems created for him by RT Michelle Frazier, RT Alan Clark, and Dean Mary Ross. They were vicious to him. Bullywatchdog, please post photos of Frazier and Clark, too, and give these bullies a face and a name.

  6. I'm curious to know what's up with NWACC's Brooke Holt. She seems very nice, but she never stands up for the NWACC victims. She gives the impression that she is a silent partner in crime with the NWACC bullies.

  7. I personally know seven NWACC allied health students who were wrongfully expelled and all these students went into debt for an education. Mary Ross is the instigator of student bullying and she encourages her allied health faculty to treat these students horrendously. We need to do something to help these students.

    1. And Judicial Affairs, Dale Montgomery, supports Mary Ross in her bullying endeavors.

  8. You are so ugly, Mary Ross.

  9. Shame on you, Mary Ross! You will be held accountable for your evil deeds. And, when are you going to start the counseling that you are in such need of? You are a jealous, narcissistic hater.

  10. Do I really have to look at yet another photo of her? She's an eye sore!

  11. This whole discussion board is made up of nothing but cowards and bullies. Shame on all of you.
